Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch - C.482 - 465: Regretting at the Speed of Light

Building a Gaming Empire From Scratch

C.482 - 465: Regretting at the Speed of Light

Chapter 482: Chapter 465: Regretting at the Speed of Light

Compared to the significant development outside the game by Cloud Dream, the changes within the game are much smaller.

On Thursday morning, in the test server of “My World,” the bug where “NPCs are too smart” was fixed.

Now, the behavior logic of the villager NPCs is very simple, and the interactions are limited to a few simple sentences.

It has set a new low for the level of stupidity of NPCs in Cloud Dream Games.

However, the game doesn’t assign any significant roles to the NPC villagers, nor are there any quest lines, so the impact on the gameplay is almost nonexistent.

Even liberating many players’ hands and feet.

Now, according to the members of Little Chun’s Team, the players in the test server of “My World” have been divided into two factions.

One faction is “Angelic Gameplay,” which is essentially the standard farming gameplay, involving normal exploration, building, planting, and so on.

The other faction is “Demonic Gameplay,” which includes various ways to torture NPCs, torture monsters, and create destruction everywhere.

Super Tomato, following the “Iron Farming Machine,” created a “Villager Breeding Machine” and quickly climbed the “technology” ladder, producing the “Villager Breeding Machine 2.0” version, which became more demonic than the previous one.

However, Lincoln is happy to see it.

At the same time, he expects that before the game testing is over, there will be a relatively large-scale creation.

That same day at noon, “Hunter: Call of the Wilderness” also received an update.

Although the update content was minimal, the scope of its impact was much larger than “My World.”

Both voting options closed 24 hours after they were opened, and the results were released.

“Limited pay-to-win” passed without any suspense.

The newly registered official game account immediately issued a statement: this adjustment will be implemented in the game the next morning.

Within just half an hour of the voting launch, the “Open pay-to-win” option had already gained an absolute advantage. Naturally, the corresponding functions were prepared well in advance, ensuring a highly efficient update.

As for the other vote, the much-anticipated “Animal Faecal Odour” vote went through several ups and downs, waves, and twists and turns.

The countless players who didn’t get a chance to test the game watched the voting numbers change for the five options, and their moods experienced one roller coaster after another.

Options “Five,” “Four,” and “Three” took turns soaring, making everyone’s blood pressure rise.

A serious contender, Option Two – “Reduce the Animal Faecal Odour,” briefly surged for an hour that night before falling behind again.

In the end, as the deadline approached, everyone saw the voting results in despair:

[1. Completely Remove Animal Faecal Odour] – [2%]

[2. Reduce Animal Faecal Odour] – [12%]

[3. Replace Animal Faecal Odour] – [29%]

[4. Retain Current Animal Faecal Odour, No Change.] – [24%]

[5. Not Strong Enough! Double It!] – [33%]

[Not Strong Enough! Double It!], with a 4% advantage, defeated[Replace Animal Faecal Odour], and became the ultimate winner.

As always, the honest and trustworthy Lincoln took action swiftly. Less than ten minutes after the voting results were released, he directly implemented a hotfix online.

This matter is different from the pay-to-win channel. It requires adding things to the system and takes some time to complete the update.

But this matter is as simple as multiplying a parameter by two, making it incredibly easy.

Although before the final voting result was settled, countless players had commented on Lincoln’s post, sent him private messages, and even emailed Cloud Dream, pleading with Lincoln not to keep his word and ignore the voting results.

However, how could Lincoln ignore the players’ “referendum”?

This is the voice of democracy!

You chose it yourself!

Lincoln’s actions were so swift that by the time Samuel came to his virtual office to advise him against it, Lincoln had already completed the update.

“But Boss, you should know they’re just trolling, right?” Samuel tried to change Lincoln’s mind helplessly, “This is obviously a collective prank

“I know, but they chose it themselves! It’s the first time I’ve seen such a ridiculous request.”

It’s your fault for leading them on!

Samuel swallowed his retort and changed his argument: “But won’t this change affect the players’ game experience and ultimately affect the sales of the game?”

“Don’t worry,” Lincoln replied with ease, “Before the game’s release, we’ll conduct another vote. This time, we’ll let all the players who bought the game vote. Having had this experience, they’ll learn their lesson.”

“Alright,” Samuel nodded helplessly and left.

Meanwhile, the players inside the game experienced the double-strength “concentrated shit smell” for the first time, and it was incredibly intense!

Within just an hour, the players were regretful and demanded another vote.


became a trending topic

Originally, the audiences, who were in mourning, saw the closed beta test players reap what they sowed. Their mood took a 180-degree turn, and they regained their enthusiasm to watch the drama and become “meal-sharing viewers.”

They all went to the live streaming rooms of the anchors who voted for “Double the Shit Smell” and kept digging salt into their wounds:

“If only I had known it would come to this, I wouldn’t have done that in the first place!”

“Serves you right! Now you’re reaping what you’ve sown!”

“Bad news: In the future, we’ll all suffer together. Good news: The anchor will suffer one week longer than us!”

“Suddenly I feel much better, haha!”

A lively human comedy unfolds in various live streaming rooms.

Apart from this, the closed beta preparation for “Battlefield” has also been in full swing.

Lincoln and Xiaomeng spent a lot of time with the development team, continuously pushing the development plan forward.

On Friday, in order for a more realistic cavalry experience in “Battlefield”, Lincoln managed to squeeze in some time to sign up for horse riding lessons.

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The horse farm was recommended by Princess Camille Victoria, who had previously learned horse riding there.

Upon seeing the appointment made by the princess, who would also accompany them in person, the horse farm naturally took it very seriously and both the manager and the trainer came out to welcome them.

When they saw the person getting out of the car was the now-popular Lin the Rich, the manager’s eyes lit up and he accompanied them throughout the whole process.

He chatted eloquently about various details and anecdotes of horse raising, industry development, horse riding culture, and so on.

The impressive part was that he did not make it feel boring at all; the more Lincoln listened, the more interesting it became.

It wasn’t until Lincoln was about to buy a valuable racehorse from the United Kingdom with pure pedigree and boundless potential that the little princess suddenly grabbed his wrist, stopping his extravagant spending.

Only then did Lincoln realize: Why would he buy an expensive racehorse?

Although Daxia had horse racing competitions, they were neither large in scale nor influential, and Lincoln wouldn’t be playing it himself.

He came here just to learn horse riding and collect some sensory data.

It wasn’t like he was going to make “Horse Racing Maiden”!


Thinking about the game, Lincoln suddenly realized: Once “Battlefield” is developed, experiencing horse raising could be fun.

Adding a section on horse raising to the [Virtual Chang’an] project seems like a good idea?

But even so, there would be no need to buy one himself.

Besides being incredibly expensive, he didn’t have a horse farm, so in the end, the horse would still have to be kept at the horse farm.

Eventually, it would turn into: “I pay to buy the horse, I pay to raise the horse, but the horse stays at the horse farm the whole time.”

What’s the point of going through all of this?

Is it because he has too much money and nowhere to spend it?

As the plan to sell the horse and deepen their relationship failed, the manager showed no signs of disappointment and remained enthusiastic throughout the visit.

Lincoln first rode on the horseback with the trainer leading the horse around in circles to get a feel of it. Then, without any delay, he immediately began learning how to ride a horse.

He would spend quite some time learning horse riding, aiming to become an outstanding jockey.

Of course, the equestrian skills needed in “Battlefield” are not complicated; they are similar to driving a car, and two to three days would be sufficient for learning.

More practice was intended for the later [Virtual Chang’an] project.

Being able to achieve such efficiency was due to not strictly following the horse farm’s usual course arrangements. Many non-safety-related details were greatly simplified.

Moreover, the horse selected for Lincoln by the horse farm had been well-trained, understanding human nature and cooperating with him actively.

With such special treatment, he achieved high efficiency in learning.

While Lincoln was learning, the princess rode a little white horse, easily running in front of him, and leisurely circled around.

The little white horse was happily bouncing and jumping, while the princess on its back seemed completely unaffected, smiling happily the entire time.

When it was time for Lincoln to leave, the owner of the horse farm even came back and enthusiastically invited him to stay for dinner.

Lincoln diplomatically declined.

He finally experienced firsthand the halo effect of being wealthy.

Previously, since he was too much of a homebody, whether it was working or entertaining, he spent most of his time in the virtual world without feeling the effect too strongly.

Now he finally realized that in many merchants’ eyes, he might be more popular than the princess herself.

However, this was not important to him, and he felt no pressure in declining; he had more important things to handle!

“Brother Yue, can you go any faster?”

“Why? Is there an emergency?” asked Yue Pengju in surprise.

“Yes,” Lincoln answered without hesitation. ”

‘The Last Moment’ has been released, and I’m eager to get home and play the game.”

